Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Hi everyone!

So I have a few music pages which I am and will be updating more regurlarly in the next months. If you could follow/like me it would be much appreciated =)

Here they are:

Facebook Page   
Soundcloud Page
Bandcamp Page   
Reverbnation Page

You can download my one and only available song (I am working on adding/recording more) for free on Soundcloud and Bandcamp or for a price you name on Bandcamp. If you download from Reverbnation 50% of earnings go to Fender Music Foundation. I will change this charity regurlarly.

I am currently based in Ankara, Turkey so if you would like to get in touch send me an email at melissaclissold@gmail.com

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Song of the Day

This is such a beautiful tune. My Brazilian friend Julia introduced her to me. 
(Sidenote: You should check out Julia's photography  - she is incredibly talented.)
And the song...

Pascuala IIabaca Argadoña is a Chilean composer and singer from Chile. She uses piano and accordian to accompany her voice.

'Pascuala Ilabaca Argandoña es una cantante y compositora chilena, destacada por su voz y el acompañamiento del acordeón y piano en sus canciones. Su obra ha sido descrita como “composición contemporánea, las tradiciones étnicas del mundo y la raízfolclórica chilena.”1 También es parte de Samadi, un grupo de música étnica iniciado en 2005, que recopila repertorios de India,ÁfricaLatinoaméricaMedio Oriente y Europa.' (Wikipedia)

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Song of the Day

Bonobo - Between the Lines (Album: Black Sands)

Well we can't change the world
We sure can change the way we live
We can't only take 
Also got to learn to give

People corrupt 
'Cause they don't understand
There's book of truths 
And a book of lies 

Think with your heart 
Read between the lines 
Things aren't always how they seem 
We got to make the best of it 

Eye for eye 
Tooth for tooth 
Sometimes we're blind 
We can still see the truth

Well we can't change the world 
We sure can change the way we live
We can't only take 
Also have to learn to give

Sometimes we're lost 
Sometimes we're blind 
Think with your heart 
Read between the lines

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Song of the Day

Judge Not - Bob Marley
"Judge not, before you judge yourself"
Bob Marley's first ever recorded single. (1962)

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Quote of the Day

Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno
''One for all, all for one'', more known as ''All for one and one for all'' - The Three Musketeers

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Quote of the Day

"The more man meditates upon good thoughts, the better will be his world and the world at large" - Confucius

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Nneka - Concrete Jungle

I managed to get a hold of this album last year, two years after it's release, thanks to a friend of mine who recommended the song 'Heartbeat' which blew me away straight away. Since then I've been listening to Nneka pretty much all the time and have absolutely fallen in love with her latest album 'Concrete Jungle' (2010), her music and her voice.

Nneka, a beautiful young and talented Nigerian-German woman (aged 31), not only has amazingly diverse rhythms and melodies in each of her songs but she also sings about issues that truly matter - poverty, loss of spirituality in the modern age, greed, the problems that persist in the African continent and subjects that touch everyone's heart and soul.

Her music makes you want to get up and move as well as think about problems that persist across the globe. Her album is about fighting for who you are and not denying your history or giving into pressure. There are such a mix of genres in this album ranging from soul, rap, reggae, hip-hop, acoustic, blues and she has successfully managed to combine these genres together to create a very funky sound. Listen to it and make up your own mind. Turn that bass up and enjoy!

Although I love the entire album, my favourites so far are Suffri, Walking and Come with me.

I recommend this album to everyone who wants to wake up from a comfortable yet ignorant sleep, in order to open their eyes to what's really going on in the world!

No one has said it so well in a while...
or should I say sang it...

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Quote of the Day

"Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can't ride you unless your back is bent." 

Martin Luther King, Jr

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Fight for yourself!

Check out my first properly recorded tune! 
Mi primer canción hecha ya!!

Thanks y Gracies a Pau Arbones Sala for percussion and Lluis Morilla Bigas for guitar and Agusti Casedmont for letting us use his home studio in Palafrugell! =) Couldn't have done it without you guys.

Thanks to everyone who has supported me throughout this process of musical self-discovery...there are many of you!

Hope you enjoy my first attempts at getting some stuff recorded. As a lot of you may know, I was singing in a band, Soul Dimension in Palafrugell and have got to thank them from bringing out the reggae in me too. Gracias a Pifa, Xavi, Xavier, Anna, Paco for convincing me to sing with them!

Also Thank you a Palafrugell La Vinacoteca for letting me perform my first gigs there and anyone who came to see me! You helped a lot with the confidence! 

Hope you enjoy and looking forward to any kind of feedback! 

Much love!

Thursday, January 3, 2013