Thursday, January 17, 2013

Fight for yourself!

Check out my first properly recorded tune! 
Mi primer canción hecha ya!!

Thanks y Gracies a Pau Arbones Sala for percussion and Lluis Morilla Bigas for guitar and Agusti Casedmont for letting us use his home studio in Palafrugell! =) Couldn't have done it without you guys.

Thanks to everyone who has supported me throughout this process of musical self-discovery...there are many of you!

Hope you enjoy my first attempts at getting some stuff recorded. As a lot of you may know, I was singing in a band, Soul Dimension in Palafrugell and have got to thank them from bringing out the reggae in me too. Gracias a Pifa, Xavi, Xavier, Anna, Paco for convincing me to sing with them!

Also Thank you a Palafrugell La Vinacoteca for letting me perform my first gigs there and anyone who came to see me! You helped a lot with the confidence! 

Hope you enjoy and looking forward to any kind of feedback! 

Much love!

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